Spider Veins

Understanding the Mechanism of Sclerosants Will Give You Better Results

•Most effective treatment for spider veins is sclerotherapy •To be effective the sclerosant must destroy the endothelial cells and cause intimal disruption •Detergents may also produce hyalinization of the smooth muscle layer but frank perforation is to be avoided •The detergent Sotradecol and Polidocanol cause permeability of the basement membrane with resultant vessel wall alterations […]

Sclerotherapy Tumescent Incision Flush (STIF Technique)

The secret to effective and rapid clearance of spider veins. Two months post 1 treatment Using four modalities leads to rapid resolution of spider veins with minimal post treatment sequelae. Aesthetic Vein Conference – April 27, 2019, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, West Palm Beach Marriott Hotel, Florida! veinmedconsultants@gmail.com 407-900-8346 Limited seats remaining.  

Complex Treated with Bacteriostatic Water

This patient was treated with bacteriostatic water as the “sclerosant.” Only by combining bacteriostatic water with a special technique is this outcome possible. Find out more about this at the ‘Aesthetic Vein Conference!’  

Using Multiple Modalities to Treat Spider Veins

Comparing 0.1% Sotradecol ½ NS to 0.1% Sotradecol diluted with NS. Note that the vessel treated with the ½ NS dilution is hardly visible due to the intense spasm.   After sclerotherapy, micro-incision, tumescent and flushing. Find out more about these techniques at Aesthetic Vein Conference, West Palm Beach, Florida, on October 13, 2108!   […]

Intradermal Aneurysmal Dilatation of Telangiectasia

As cutaneous venous hypertension increases, so does the volume of intradermal telangiectasia. In fact, spider veins may become aneurysmal when the pressure increases substantially. Many times, these complexes are associated with large refluxing branches or turbulent flow in a perforator. The treatment consists of micro-surgical techniques for these patients. Many of these aneurysms must be […]

How do you treat small red veins? #smallredveins

Question:  Can you tell me what laser you use in your practice and will you be able possibly address the challenges we are having with leg blushing/tiny red tees too small for sclero? We have BBL and NdYag.   Response: We use dornier 940 nm laser for both EVLT’s & treatment of telangiectasia as an […]


4/20/18 Share your VeinGogh Experience   4/20/18 We use VG and have no issues. We probably use our VG here in FL 2-3 times a day with our sclero txs. We use this device on small red veins on the face. Tips: Use ice on the face Use tumescent or ice on the legs Do […]